Saturday, January 14, 2006


Another Saturday Night.....

So the song goes.
So the life in marriedville, USA goes.
Okay, so if you are even thinking about telling me that I should shut up and get over it... you're probably right. But you probably are not single.

It's not that I don't TRY to go out. It's not like I'm sitting home EVERY night. It's not like I'm a bitter bitch who thinks all men are scum. It's not like that at all. Here's what it's like.

" so hi, how are you today. How are the kids? Good. Yes, all is good here. Another crazy day at work. Another crazy, busy, hectic day. But, I suppose all is well. Could be better. Could be worse. Yes, she's with her dad this weekend. Ya know, she was with me last weekend... remember? Yes, that's the schedule. Been like that for about 6 years. No, that's okay. I know you have a lot to keep track of. so, any chance you can sneak away for a few hours? Hey, no problem. Sure, you too... talk to you later"

" so hi, what's going on. what are you guys doing this weekend. How nice, what restaurant? With who? Oh, that should be fun. They're a lot of fun. I met them at your party a few weeks ago. you guys have fun. Yes, we'll catch up next week..."

"oh hi. sure I remember you. (barely). Yes it was fun. Martini mania - I think that's what we called it. Well, that's a interesting complement. (some reference to intensity & flexibility... need I go on). Me, well i'm off to a night out with some friends... sure, some other time. (not!). Take care."

"hi mom. I'm just peachy! no really! (Really, I'm great. It's saturday night, you're calling me to check in, knowing damn well you'll catch me at home). Yes, she's with her dad this weekend. Remember, she was with me last weekend when we called you & dad to say hi? No worries, I know. (It's hard to keep track of the days ---- when all the days blend together). I will mom. Love to Dad!

You could play that record over and over again. (if you so choose).

My girlfriend calls (from about 1,000 miles away).
"glad you & the new man are going well and the kids are dealing with the divorce . He sounds like a great guy. No, no one special. A had a FB (reference to a line from a bizarre film vanilla sky. it's a sex partner who knows that they are just a sex partner), but apparently he's taken a brake from F'ing. Go figure! You too sweetie. Enjoy!"

Pouring another glass of wine.

Tomorrow is another day.
(and not another saturday night!)

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