Sunday, February 05, 2006



If I was...
You'd be holding me tight
You'd be running with me, holding me tight
You'd be sorry when you dropped me
You'd be sorry when you eventually had to let go
You'd be sorry when you eventually had to let go & give someone else a try
You'd be jealous when someone else was holding me
You'd be so jealous that you'd try to steal me back
You wouldn't give up on the first try
You'd keep trying
You'd keep trying
You'd keep trying
You'd think it was a game
You'd try to win
You'd be sorry if you didn't
You'd be sorry when you didn't
You'd drink a beer
You'd drink a beer with friends
You'd say it was a good game
You'd wonder what went wrong
You'd wonder if you'd do it differently next time
You'd wonder
You'd wonder
You'd say
Hell, it was only a game

Oh wow, this is really good. Even for us old married ladies, being a football sounds like a GREAT thing! I'm going to link you from Manic. xo
i've never been in such deep thought, thinking about a football

very intriguing
Manic Mom - funny, that after all these year of avoiding football-I suddenly realize... that Ball's got it good. :) right back at you!
JH, amazing what we can find cause to think about it in a different way. Here's hoping you SCORE. (that would be a reference to the recent blog of course)
detox - EXACTLY!
But here's what I was thinking about last night. Once you score, you get slammed into the ground while others cheer.

And... a football is easily replaceable,

And... made of pig skin.

But, it does get to sit between some swheaty beefy thighs before its' flung into the arms of another man! hee hee!
Yes, you're right, it has some drawbacks for sure.
But at least your SCORE!
And if your lucky, you score more than once in just few hours.
One for the metaphor speak...
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